CE Marking on Equipment
The "CE" marking means that the equipment is appropriate and can also be used in the Republic of Slovenia.
Radio terminals and Short Range Devices (SRD) can be used without a Decision on the allocation of radio frequencies within the radio equipment class 1: link:
and in accordance with National Table of Frequency Allocations (Additional table A.2) – NTFA (NURF): link:
If radio equipment is subject to restrictions on putting into service or to requirements for authorisation of use, as provided for in Article 10(10) of Directive 2014/53/EU, the packaging of the radio equipment shall indicate visibly and legibly following sign:

and words "Restrictions or Requirements" in Slovene language, followed by the abbreviations of the Member States (examples below), where such restrictions or requirements exist.

If radio equipment is subject to restrictions on putting into service or to requirements for authorisation of use, as provided for in Article 10(10) of Directive 2014/53/EU, the instructions accompanying the radio equipment shall indicate, in a language easily understood by end-users as determined by the Member State concerned, the list of the Member States and geographical areas within the Member States where such restrictions or requirements exist, as well as the types of restrictions or requirements applicable in each Member State and each geographical area within a Member State (Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2017/1354).
Restrictions or requirements for radio equipment usage on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia determine in detail Rules on radio equipment (based and issued on Technical Requirements for Products and Conformity Assessment Act (ZTZPUS-1)): link
in General Act on radio frequency utilisation plan – NURF - (based and issued on the Electronic communication act (ZEKom-1)): link.